11 November 2010

lcf = pretty amazing

The first 3 images are of the hundreds of Vogue issues that live in LCF's John Princes Street library. Normally i get bored of librarys and find them dull and time consuming ( ino i shudnt but cant help it...) but at LCFs i had never seen so many fashion books. Every shelf was filled with hundreds of styling, trend forcasting, buying, costume, design books to name a few. It was Fashion bible heaven. The next best thing to Clothes. I also found myself turning delicate pages of Italian Vogue dating back to the early 1950s and before. Italian, American and British Vogue editions dating way way back! LCF you never fail to impress me...even in the library department.


  1. i recently discovered your blog! it`s amazing, keep going on good job!i`m looking forward for new posts! you may check on mine, you`ll love it! if you follow , i shall return the favor! thanx!

  2. How awesome to look at fashion dated back to the 1950's in Vogue, where everything started ~luv it!
